FOS Breeding Bird Atlas progress
This site hosts analyses of the Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) data for the Florida Ornithological
Society [], to support
completion of atlasing effort started in 2011.
The state is divided into Quads corresponding to US Geological Survey quadrangles,
each further subdivided into six blocks (NW, CW, SW, NE, CE, SE).
The "6-blocks" (SE) are designated the statistic sample.
(Atlasing efforts for the state are organized and reported in nine Regions.)
Data are entered into the
Patuxent web site, where a summary was made available each weekend
for updates on progress.
This site includes certain summaries to help monitor progress as
the current "BBA-II" study attempts to match the coverage in the original
BBA-I atlas
completed in 1991.
Current Status Report
The Status Report here (referenced by the BBA page on site) was regularly updated during the 2011-2017 active collection period.
Click any region to view details.
Goals of BBA II:
Goal 1: 6-block sampling
Gather enough data from the 6-blocks to produce a sound statistical comparison with BBA-I,
specifically to detect as many species, on average, as were reported from BBA-I in each county,
in each Region, and state-wide.
Goal 2: Quad-level objectives
Gather enough data from any block in all quads to support distribution maps based on the Quads,
incorporating as much quad-level data as were used to produce the maps published by BBA-I.
Goal 3: Mini-Routes
Gather enough data from 15-stop routes [patterned on the 50-stop breeding bird survey (BBS) routes]
run in each quad and focused on the 6-blocks. Knowing which blocks have completed mini-route surveys
allows coordinators to focus on the most-needed remaining quads. This objective will support mapping
of the most important population centers for many species.
Goal 4: Focal Species
- Please report the location and breeding information of Am Kestrel, Burrowing Owl,
and Painted Bunting to the Florida Rare Bird Registry.
This will help Karl Miller and the
FWC to evaluate these species
and prepare conservation plans.
Do this retrospectively for all your Atlas observations of these species to the extent you remember.
It is a very easy site to use.
- Unprotected New Breeding Shorebirds and coastal colonial birds should be reported to the
Florida Shorebird Alliance —
but not willy-nilly. If it is a regular known breeding site, it will already be in the Atlas and
Shorebird databases. If not already listed, then first notify the landowner, if known, because
these species need protection on their nesting grounds.
Then notify [email protected].
Field Cards
Other Resources
This page updated 4/20/2020 for new Species distribution maps (SE blocks)